HIRES Exposure Meter GUI
Noticing Problems
1) Here the observer has just started exposure on a fairly
faint object. The slope of the blue line is rather shallow.
Worse yet, we can see on the LHS plot that either clouds are
moving in (this was in fact the case) or we're having trouble
guiding on the object. There's a pronounced sag in the signal.
2) Here is another picture of high cirrus moving in to ruin the
observing night. The observers can determine in the first few minutes
of a long exposure that it is likely to be a waste of time, and
thus they are freed to seek other targets in less cloudy areas of
the sky.
3) In case the exposure meter should surprise the user with results
that can't be explained by weather conditions, poor seeing, guiding
error, etc. it may be necessary to do a little introspection into the
exposure meter itself. The DIAG button brings up this panel:
4) The Prop button in the Diag panel brings up a display of all
the keywords associated with the propellor control system.
4) The ExpoMeter button in the Diag panel brings up a display of all
the keywords associated with the higher-level exposure meter logic.
This is a superset of the keywords represented in text and graphics
on the GUI front panel.
De Clarke