Source code for keygrabber.Version
__all__ = ('version')
# Component files in the module will append their CVS/SVN $Revision string to
# the versions list. The version() function builds a 'total' version number
# that is the sum of all contributed values.
versions = []
append = versions.append
append ('$Revision: 94706 $')
[docs]def version ():
''' Return a version number for this module. The version
number is computed by multiplying the major CVS revision of
each individual component by 1,000, directly adding the minor
version, and summing the results. SVN revision numbers are
strictly added.
value = version.value
if value == None:
value = buildVersion ()
version.value = value
return value
version.value = None
def buildVersion ():
sample = versions[0]
revision = sample.split ()[1]
int (revision)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return buildFloatVersion ()
return buildIntVersion ()
def buildFloatVersion ():
total = 0
for subversion in versions:
number = subversion.split ()[1]
left,right = number.split ('.')
total += int (left) * 1000
total += int (right)
return total
def buildIntVersion ():
total = 0
for subversion in versions:
number = subversion.split ()[1]
total += int (number)
return total
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