Source code for keygrabber.Lookup

from . import Version
Version.append ('$Revision: 94706 $')
del Version

import Music            # provided by kroot/music/python
import os
import subprocess

    reldir = os.environ['RELDIR']
except KeyError:
    reldir = None

if reldir == '' or reldir == None:
    raise RuntimeError ('$RELDIR is not set, please use kpython')

[docs]def datahost (service): ''' Return the hostname on which the keygrabber data is stored for *service*. This information could then be used when instantiating a :class:`sql.Handler` instance. ''' lookup = str (service) + '_keywordlog_host' return readsvcfile (lookup)
readsvcfile = Music.readsvcfile def firstrecord (row): ''' Return the first element of the supplied sequence. This trivial function is used in :func:`services` below to quickly recover the service names from a sequence of single-element results. ''' return row[0]
[docs]def services (handler, dict=True): ''' Determine which services have data available on the datahost of interest-- specified implicitly by passing in a working sql.Handler instance as the first argument. ''' query = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%' AND relname NOT LIKE 'sql_%' ORDER BY relname" results = (query) if dict == False: results = map (firstrecord, results) else: dictionary = {} for row in results: dictionary[row[0]] = True results = dictionary return results
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